The castle and its estates have had many owners since Viking Sote first laid claim to the Häringe Peninsula around the year 1000. All owners have had more or less megalomania, almost unlimited resources, enormous expenses, and a penchant for decadence, scandals, glamour, and parties.
Gustav Vasa claimed the right to Häringe and in 1525, he had a shipyard built and established the naval fleet's base here. Count Gustav Horn replaced the wooden castle with the stone building that still stands here today in 1657. Many strong women, such as Agneta Horn and Agneta Wrede, have bravely and uprightly managed the castle since then. Some of them even defied society and married for love!
In the 1930s, the castle was renovated and modernized by the matchstick millionaire Torsten Kreuger, who installed refrigerators, built Sweden's first outdoor pool of Olympic dimensions (with a slide from the second floor), constructed a bowling alley, and dug an underground tunnel between one of the wings and the main building. When Torsten was later charged with embezzlement, he sold the castle to his acquaintance Axel Wenner-Gren, the founder of Electrolux, believing that he would eventually be able to buy it back. Axel gave the castle to his wife Marguerite with the words, 'Häringe is yours, baby!', without a thought of ever giving it back to Kreuger. The Wenner-Gren couple filled Häringe with antique furniture, silverware, precious weapons, and exclusive carpets. The castle park was adorned with statues from Peru and Ireland, as well as the Nordic gods depicted in sandstone. After Axel's death, the castle was emptied of everything valuable (even the shelves in the wine cellar disappeared!). So, crayfish king Olle Hartwig, owner of Pandalus, bought it empty. But through diligent tracking, Olle and his wife were able to restore the castle to its former glory, with tapestries, paintings, and much more that you still see here today.
In 2017, Häringe Castle was purchased by the developer and real estate mogul Vesko Mijac. The castle is currently run by his daughter, Sofie Seitamo Mijac, as a hotel, restaurant, and conference facility. Since 2017, several castle wings and hotel rooms have been renovated. The latest project was a complete renovation of the East Wing.
The Mijac family's goal and ambition are to restore and preserve the castle, to celebrate this fantastic place and its history. There is an ongoing search for paintings and other antiques that originate from the castle. Tips on antiques related to Häringe are gratefully received."
Ownership history |
2017- | Vesko Mijac |
1999 - 2017 | Jenny Ljungberg |
1986 - 1999 | Olle & Margit Hartwig |
1979 - 1986 | Sven Philip Sörensen |
1974 - 1979 | Olle & Margit Hartwig |
1961 - 1974 | Marguerite Wenner-Gren |
1934 - 1961 | Axel & Marguerite Wenner-Gren |
1929 - 1934 | Torsten Kreuger |
1896 - 1929 | August Trolle Löwen |
1881 - 1896 | Erik August Otto Trolle Löwen |
1863 - 1881 | Otto Wilhelm Löwen |
1825 - 1863 | Karl Fabian Löwen |
1773 - 1825 | Fabian Löwen |
1745 - 1773 | Karl Julius de la Gardie |
1730 - 1745 | Magnus Julius de la Gardie |
1730 - | Agneta Wrede |
1712 - 1730 | Axel Johan Ax:son Lillie |
1681 - 1712 | Fabian Wrede |
1672 - 1681 | Gustaf Kruus |
1657 - 1672 | Agneta Horn G Kruus |
1628 - 1657 | Fältmarskalk Gustav Horn |
1618 - 1628 | Kung Gustav II Adolf |
1610 - 1618 | Hertig Johan Adolf af Östergötland |
1592 - 1610 | Hertig Magnus och hans bröder |
1574 - 1592 | Kung Johan III |
1534 - 1574 | Johan Pedersen Båth |
1528 - 1534 | Peder Olofson Båth |
1525 - 1528 | Kung Gustav Vasa |
1495 - 1525 | Sten Sture med arvingar |
1278 - 1495 | Biskopstolen i Strägnäs |
1250 - 1278 | Magnus Ladulås |
1060 - 1250 | Sveriges Konungar |
- 1060 | Kung Stenkil |
ca 990-1007 | Viking Sote |